Most Businesses Pay Off Ransomware Attackers, IBM Study Finds

“The threat of ransomware has been top of mind for many security vendors and IT organizations throughout 2016. In an attempt to help quantify how different segments of the IT market view ransomware, IBM Security’s X-Force research group conducted a study that received responses from 1,021 consumers and 600 business leaders in the United States. […]

This tool tells you if your Gmail account was infected with malware

“Cybersecurity Check Point discovered a new piece of Android malware called Gooligan that’s able to steal email addresses. More than 1 million Google accounts connected to older Android versions are at risk, but there’s a tool you can use to see if you’re one of them. DON’T MISS: There’s a fix for your iPhone 6s’ […]

Hackers Breached San Francisco’s Transit System and Demanded a Ransom

“The computer system that serves San Francisco’s Muni was hacked late last week, giving locals tens of thousands of free rides on the nation’s seventh-largest transit system. The ransom, according to correspondence between the San Francisco Examiner and the email address displayed on Muni employees’ hacked computer screens, was 100 Bitcoin, or about $74,000. By […]

Ransomware Attacks Are Soaring, Says Beazley in Data Breach Report

“Ransomware attacks against businesses will be four times higher in 2016 than last year, with a growing number of ransom-seeking hackers demanding bitcoin rather than money, according to a report by specialty insurer Beazley. The Beazley Breach Insights report is based on the insurer’s client data breaches in the first nine months of 2016. During […]

Why ransomware is exploding, and how your company can protect itself

“Ransomware represents a growing threat for the enterprise, as 40 percent of businesses worldwide were attacked with their data held ransom in the past year. This particular brand of malware is not new: The first recorded case of ransomware, known as the AIDS trojan, appeared in 1989. The attack is relatively easy to deploy and […]

Ransomware as a Service a mature channel threat

“Ransomware as a Service is not only a threat to solution providers’ customers, but functioning under a rather “mature” business model, executives detailed at a Dell Data Security ransomware roundtable last week. “[Ransomware as Service] basically means you can go there and make your own ransomware using their engine and customize it however you want,” […]

Ransomware Surges in 2016 First Half, Trend Micro Study Finds

“The number of ransomware variants has escalated so far this year, Trend Micro’s latest security report finds, but little data exists on how many victims have been hit. In the first half of 2016, attackers focused a great deal more on ransomware than in previous years, according to security firm Trend Micro’s 2016 1H Security […]

Retooled Locky Ransomware Pummels Healthcare Sector

“Cybercriminals wielding Locky crypto-locking ransomware are continuing to ramp up their assaults, especially in the healthcare sector, with attackers distributing less banking malware and more ransomware, according to new research. So far this month, several “massive” new phishing campaigns have been launched, targeting victims in multiple industries with Locky ransomware, security researcher Chong Rong Hwa […]

Pay up or else: Ransomware is the hot hacking trend of 2016

“Hackers struck Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center last month. They encrypted files critical to running the hospital’s systems. And then they asked for money. After three weeks of operating without crucial computer programs, the Los Angeles hospital paid a $17,000 ransom to restore its systems. The attackers followed the pattern of other “ransomware” hacks by sneaking […]

‘Massive’ Locky ransomware campaign targets hospitals

“Hospitals have become a lucrative target for hackers. A ‘massive’ cybercriminal campaign is targeting hospitals with the notorious Locky ransomware and is using a new technique in an effort to infect systems with the file encrypting software. Cybersecurity researchers at FireEye observed a spike in the number of attempts at Locky deliveries during the first […]