The Most Common Types of Cyber Attacks

The Most Common Types of Cyber Attacks

Business communications now depend on reliable and safe digital connections. Whether from their computer, phone, or tablet, your employees are at risk of cyber attacks when they go online. Cybercriminals look to compromise personal and company data to exploit the business for future gain. Being the target of a cyber attack can ruin a company’s reputation, get them charged with a crime, and send them bankrupt.

Beware of this Common SSL Certificate Scam

Beware of this SSL Scam

An SSL certificate is a digital certificate that authenticates a website’s identity and enables an encrypted connection. SSL stands for ‘Secure Socket Layer’ and is a security protocol that creates an encrypted link between the web server and the web browser to protect the end-user. An SSL certificate is made public because it shows that the website is safe to browse.

The “Economic Aftermath” That Follows Hacked Social Media Accounts

The economic aftermath of being hacked

The “Economic Aftermath” That Follows Hacked Social Media Accounts What comes to mind first when you hear that your social media accounts have been hacked? Do you fear hackers will post illicit or spammy messages from your account? What if your account gets deleted? Perhaps you fret dealing with the seemingly “non-existent” customer support efforts […]

Cybersecurity Awareness Month Highlights

Being that October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, I thought we would just reiterate some very basic information that most people already know- yet many fail to practice…

Data Breaches & The Dark Web

Data breaches are a REAL threat that you should plan for. Do you take that advice seriously? A lot of businesses don’t, which is alarming since SMBs have a higher susceptibility of being successfully breached, in comparison to larger corporations! There is a lack of knowledge and wherewithal to plan for varying attacks, but you can take small steps to mitigate exposure to the threats before they gain access to your network.

Is 5G Ready For Primetime?

Is 5G Ready For Primetime?

There has been a lot of hype about 5G. That being said, do you know anyone who is actively using 5G in their everyday life?  Nor do I…. A few of you may have said yes, but that is most likely either a fixed 5G application, or that person has a limited range of travel and of course has a 5G device. Most of us are still waiting and still watching the major carriers talk about how expansive, and fast, their 5G networks are. Maybe our day will come soon?? One of the main reasons for the tone of this paragraph is that we have been hearing about 5G for over 4 years, and in the last 2 years it has been the focus of the top 3 wireless carriers in their advertising.

Protection Against Digital Threats

Organizations must have a proactive approach in defeating digital threats. Unfortunately, many businesses focus on IT alone and do not treat cybersecurity as an ongoing process. Although your system may seem secure today, tomorrow a hacker may discover a critical vulnerability.  Although this is an unpleasant thought, we are not in the business of profiting on fear.  As Cybersecurity experts, we work alongside our clients to assist them in implementing the necessary processes and controls. Cyber criminals only need to discover one un-patched flaw in your security armor to launch a full-fledged cyber-attack.

The Important Role Of Cyber Security

The important role of cyber security

As technology continues to become more common in the workplace, so too are threats of cyber-attacks on your company. Organizations of all sizes are susceptible to cyber threats, with small and medium sized companies serving as the principal targets. In this now ever-changing online workflow, it is important to understand not only the role of cyber security, but also the impact cybercrime may have on your company if left unprotected.