Phishing, scanning/probing, website intrusions and defacements, virus/malicious code, ransomware, Denial of Service attacks, and data breaches are some ways in which hackers attack business websites, which can cause operational disruptions and potentially steal sensitive information.
Small and medium businesses (SMBs) , unfortunately, have been seeing rising incidences of cybercrime. Growing digitization of business assets and access to sensitive customer information, while driving rapid improvements in business, are also making them more vulnerable. Shops, clinics, community centers, and small manufacturers have all been attacked in the recent past. In fact, 70 percent of cyberattacks occur at organizations with lesser than 100 employees. Reports also say that half of the attacked small businesses close down within six months as a result of the loss of customer loyalty and reputation.
For a list of must-have cyber security measures for SMBs, click here.
Author: Nikhil Arora