“In 2017, most companies have data breach preparedness on their radar. But the threat landscape is ever-evolving. Staying ahead of emerging threats and the increasing sophistication of cybercriminals requires “constant vigilance,” as Mad-Eye Moody from J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series was fond of saying.
“Preparing for a data breach has become much more complex over the last few years,” says Michael Buemmer, vice president at Experian Data Breach Resolution. “Organizations must keep an eye on the many new and constantly evolving threats and address these threats in their incident response plans.”
To aid in that effort, Experian Data Breach Resolution recently released its fourth annual Data Breach Industry Forecast, a report rooted in Experian’s history helping more than 17,000 companies deal with data breaches in the last decade (4,000 in 2016 alone).”
Author: Thor Olavsrud